Monday, April 7, 2008

Swearing Baby

Duration: 00:18 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-20 06:51:50

Baby wants its nappy changed...getting very aggressive


bullwrath  2008-03-22 06:44:25

thats on ma phone
Arexsis  2008-03-14 23:04:22

dartXIII it is saw, RETARD
stefchris34  2008-03-14 16:51:36

im not going to be able to sleep tonight with that freaking baby in mi mindd ...
DartXlll  2008-03-11 23:15:36

seen* not saw. >_> stupid
UNiqEz  2008-03-09 13:35:34

damm is he newyorker and brittish australian what the fucking fuck? lol

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