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Duration: 10:32 minutes Upload Time: 07-09-14 04:21:13 User: TrulyUnforgettable :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Bleach Episode 140 Part 2/2 (Eng Subs) |
Comments | |
BroKeNRoSe2006 ::: Favorites OMG i think if this is real the hellcopters well be everywhere and police FBI from amarica will come :P dont u think itz crazy there no one out the street too-.-,but nice episode 07-09-25 15:30:22 __________________________________________________ | |
13anniel ::: Favorites So does anyone wonder why there are no people in the streets, no cars outside, or why nobody ever goes to look what is causing the destruction? It's just a thought but if I saw or heard a house or a street become destroyed I would flip out! 07-09-24 23:14:05 __________________________________________________ | |
sangotaijiyanoyoukai ::: Favorites the thing that sucks is the fact that orihime didn't have to do what the arancar said because the shinigami where wining by the and of the fight 07-09-22 22:21:10 __________________________________________________ | |
TimeDivide ::: Favorites zero, you nerd, be respectful for me watching bleach and everyone else!!! 07-09-19 19:04:56 __________________________________________________ | |
shelbyshoo93 ::: Favorites ur a jackass zero :x i hope u burn in heaven!! like wat the crap hes just postin vids. 07-09-18 19:49:21 __________________________________________________ | |
pitrydragon ::: Favorites KOOL 07-09-18 04:53:05 __________________________________________________ | |
superanimeheaven ::: Favorites CHECK OUT MY CHANNEL I got lots of bleach clips including THE NEWEST Bleach Shinji Hirako VS Grimmjow Jaggerjack episode 140 fight and u can download and if u like my clips subscribe or add me as a friend tanx ^_^ 07-09-15 07:34:19 __________________________________________________ | |
zeronifty ::: Favorites Man I love Bleach! too bad I flagged every video in your profile Be respectful of the people that subbed this's wishes and dont post it on youtube :) 07-09-15 04:57:15 __________________________________________________ |
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Bleach Episode 140 Part 2/2 (Eng Subs)
Beavis and Butthead - Banned Fire Scene from Comedians
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Duration: 00:36 minutes Upload Time: 07-06-14 12:14:01 User: mattjay89 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: This is the banned scene from the Comedians episode which caused a 5 year old boy to burn down his trailer. |
Comments | |
whatihave2do ::: Favorites I wan more more MORE....HUMHUHHUMMM. I would like to find more B+B stuff that got banned or change because of a couple of dumb asses. Mike Judge is a real fartknocker for not putting every episode unchanged and on cut on DVD. I was pissed at what he did to volume one. 07-06-28 03:25:51 __________________________________________________ | |
Kacker92 ::: Favorites what a lame excuse for that kid's parents to make they just want attention 07-06-27 20:48:08 __________________________________________________ | |
Beavisdude11 ::: Favorites I watched this ep on a Sunday night on MTV2 and it was uncut no fire references were removed(i live in the UK btw) but werben86 it was this episode that caused the 5 year old boy to burn down his house. 07-06-27 13:47:43 __________________________________________________ | |
darthjosh1108 ::: Favorites when was this on VH1? 07-06-26 17:34:02 __________________________________________________ | |
badluckshadow13 ::: Favorites the kid's family didn't even have cable acess yet they edited even the original tapes if it weren't for home copies we'd never get to see them. 07-06-26 15:13:32 __________________________________________________ | |
DrunkenPunk800 ::: Favorites God damn 5 year olds have to ruin everything. Wish he set himself on FIRE! FIRE!! FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRE!!! 07-06-22 00:55:54 __________________________________________________ | |
vanhalendlrband ::: Favorites uhuhuhhuh huhuhuhuh that 5 year old kid is dum huh beavis? uhuhuhuh, we might be dum, but did u see us burn down our house, huhuhuhuh huhuhuhuh yea heheheh that kids dum 07-06-20 00:51:46 __________________________________________________ | |
Harudo ::: Favorites OH, this was the cartoon I read about in the trailer burning story... Thanks a lot, you dumb 5 year old !#%$ -.- 07-06-19 13:31:42 __________________________________________________ | |
werben86 ::: Favorites I wonder which episode got that 5 year old to burn down the house? I'm kinda thinking it was this episode. 07-06-19 10:29:37 __________________________________________________ | |
CommanderCrowe ::: Favorites fire 07-06-18 12:03:26 __________________________________________________ |
Yngwie Malmsten
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Duration: 06:53 minutes Upload Time: 07-03-08 22:33:35 User: sTeIn3r :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Legendärer E-Gitaren Spieler |
Comments | |
PochoGuitar ::: Favorites Quiero saber x q diablos este muchacho no usa el dedo meñique d la mano izquierda? s un desperdicio tenerlo ahi d vicio 07-09-21 03:59:06 __________________________________________________ | |
pbeng12 ::: Favorites nice to see they can still find leather pants to fit that fat ass 07-08-28 19:46:40 __________________________________________________ | |
wreck93 ::: Favorites Why would such a shreddy shredding shred head play with single coils 07-08-27 06:43:20 __________________________________________________ | |
Otosreborn ::: Favorites What is the name of the song that plays at the beginning? The piano. 07-08-20 18:39:43 __________________________________________________ | |
barret707 ::: Favorites with the oprchestra where is he playing cause thats the same same concert hall that many final fantasy songs have been played in 07-08-06 20:03:57 __________________________________________________ | |
Hugitobatuks ::: Favorites este es un mensaje para eduardo carrillo flores de zacatecas de parte de su hermano el yeli y de su primo el hugo quieren decirle q por favor ya salga de closet q ya todo zac sabe q es gay 07-07-28 20:50:46 __________________________________________________ | |
Maximvx ::: Favorites stop the fuck saying wonderful!!!!!!!!!!! all the time. 07-07-16 17:13:09 __________________________________________________ | |
mmtzmmtz ::: Favorites man die ersten paar Sekunden waren ja hammer schwul, aber darüber hinaus stellt sich die Frage ob das Video nun Ironisch gemeint ist oder nicht? Wenn ja dann war das verdammt Arm und wenn nein dann finde ichs ein wenig doof geschrieben weil die größten Erfolge und viele viele Sachen die man über YM wissen solte ausgelassen wurden und sich das Video ihrgendwie nur aus anderen Youtube Videos zusammengestellt wurde. 07-07-13 11:55:05 __________________________________________________ | |
cheldar ::: Favorites Gibt viele bessere, und die vielen Schreibfehler (Gittare muss Gitarre heissen) nerven auch ziemlich. 07-07-11 08:19:06 __________________________________________________ | |
Stahlross2 ::: Favorites nö. gibt bessere. 07-07-10 11:39:31 __________________________________________________ |
Steve Vai & The Metropole Orchestra "Answers"
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Duration: 06:55 minutes Upload Time: 06-10-19 18:01:33 User: McArtRidge :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Broadcastrecording of experimental co-operation from Steve with this Dutch orchestra |
Comments | |
fireincairos ::: Favorites steve vai is a great family friend. 07-09-25 00:00:57 __________________________________________________ | |
superhypercj ::: Favorites yeah, but he does always play on beat, and perfect sweeps the guy practises, or at least used to, do more hours a day than i spend watching TV, and thats sayin something! 07-09-22 05:14:34 __________________________________________________ | |
JesseGuitar07 ::: Favorites Sounds very nice ! hey check out I plays Canon rock on his Steve Vai signature guitar.this video i just uploaded 4 weeks ago, let me know what you think cheers 07-09-20 18:18:52 __________________________________________________ | |
gilvan09 ::: Favorites HAhahaha This Kid Calls Steve Vai an AMATEUR! Hahaha, Dude GO GET A LIFE! If i were you, i would try not to post a comment on this video Again, Because U no NoTHING ABout composing A MasterPiece! Steve Vai Is Awsome, Talented, and A Very Good Composer! So Sorry to use this Term But, SHUT YOUR MOUTH! 07-09-18 23:47:44 __________________________________________________ | |
JabElite ::: Favorites Jspartacus The mark of a great composer isn't how musically demanding of a piece he can write or how big of a challenge he can throw at the musicians in the orchestra. It's the crowds applause at the end of a great piece, and after listening to the crowd at the end of this, I have to say; Steve Vai is no amateur. 07-09-09 18:00:05 __________________________________________________ | |
tatsmatsuken07 ::: Favorites lets just all agree that Steve is an amazing guitar player. who cares if he was better back then or now. he is remebered becaused of his music, not for staying on beat, or playing perfect sweeps. 07-09-08 20:09:06 __________________________________________________ | |
johnysuperfly ::: Favorites i think some of you guys should stop listening to music because you dont understand it lol i mean yes he is a bit of is this piece but its not because of his age i mean look at when he done lotus feet with this metropole it is amazing and if i recall it was in the same night not 20 years earlier :) 07-09-05 14:31:13 __________________________________________________ | |
AbdurRehman1 ::: Favorites jspartacus is a piece of shit 07-09-05 05:37:35 __________________________________________________ | |
SirJuice48 ::: Favorites jspartucus, maybe the orchestra doesn't look challenged by what he's playing, but 1) music isn't written to challenge the player's ability, it's written to be a good song and 2) i really don't see Vai having any prblems with his part 07-08-31 14:58:21 __________________________________________________ | |
z3dSd3d ::: Favorites hes 48 man! 07-08-26 18:51:02 __________________________________________________ |
Golazo de España vs. Alemania
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Duration: 00:51 minutes Upload Time: 06-09-24 17:04:44 User: cesarotazu :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Centre por la banda derecha y tijera al fondo de las mallas. |
Comments | |
piturecre ::: Favorites JOJOJO Q MIERDA Q PRO ES ESE??? XD 07-02-06 16:28:20 __________________________________________________ | |
Gard8080 ::: Favorites vaia M I E R D A 07-02-03 13:06:18 __________________________________________________ | |
SILKAMIKANIKO ::: Favorites Vaya puta mierda xDDDDD 07-02-01 23:46:21 __________________________________________________ | |
gooso ::: Favorites menuda chusta 07-01-31 19:08:18 __________________________________________________ | |
GR33Nday2 ::: Favorites me cago en tpm 07-01-31 14:02:47 __________________________________________________ | |
Jrocke07 ::: Favorites recuerdo ese juego del n64 y no era facil ese tipo de gol. 07-01-10 00:28:00 __________________________________________________ | |
soocom ::: Favorites Buen gol SOOCOM 06-09-29 12:28:45 __________________________________________________ | |
Duterga ::: Favorites Buen golazo de Chilena. A seguir marcando 06-09-25 11:38:06 __________________________________________________ |
attack of the midgets
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Duration: 04:38 minutes Upload Time: 06-11-27 21:26:29 User: poo4brain :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: these to midgets have a brawl..notice how that one midget crawls on the ground like a snake?..its hillarious |
Comments | |
imyourhustler ::: Favorites rofl.....I like the one guys crawling attack technique...he looks like a f@#%^$ing catepillar in that brown striped shirt......hahahahahahahaha 07-09-22 09:18:30 __________________________________________________ | |
brokenbeauty321 ::: Favorites honestly.... 07-09-10 19:53:52 __________________________________________________ | |
411MaryJay ::: Favorites they really shouldnt let them fight. 07-08-26 12:50:25 __________________________________________________ | |
intheblender1 ::: Favorites although this is obviously staged... doesn't anyone think the crowd they get in for these shows is a far funnier thing to behold? 'we are america, hear us roar' wankers. 07-08-21 11:42:17 __________________________________________________ | |
Alexsz81 ::: Favorites Your country is shit for respect of humans right 07-08-15 15:50:24 __________________________________________________ | |
Kerer ::: Favorites OWNED 07-08-07 05:02:09 __________________________________________________ | |
janessawilson ::: Favorites imagine what life would be like being a midget 07-08-06 00:19:58 __________________________________________________ | |
HOTROD69111 ::: Favorites Midgets are Crazy, we should make them all live in their own society away from the rest of us. Kinda like Smurfs 07-08-03 14:07:01 __________________________________________________ | |
paratrooper543 ::: Favorites I love watching little midgets fight >:) 07-07-26 13:43:22 __________________________________________________ | |
Jargonman457 ::: Favorites how can you not laugh at this its like as if they were normal people cheating girlfriend pissed off old boyfriend hell ya there going to scrap 07-07-25 06:03:35 __________________________________________________ |
Escape the Fate-My Apocalypse
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Duration: 04:02 minutes Upload Time: 06-10-16 20:20:59 User: daddychon :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: at bamboozlee fuck yeahhh |
Comments | |
MGeezy7 ::: Favorites I think that was the best live video I have seen of them on youtube.... And that sweep is insane. I wish it was on the recorded version too. Haha. Damn. 07-09-23 20:31:01 __________________________________________________ | |
roib1 ::: Favorites no mosh pit!!!! i cant beleiveeee 07-09-22 19:56:21 __________________________________________________ | |
XxLoveHateMExX ::: Favorites haha im a dancer too! i want ronnie to be my dance partner! he's totally amazing! <33 and max can join 2 cuz he's so sexiii 07-09-17 07:48:38 __________________________________________________ | |
walkwithshadows ::: Favorites Ronnie's a good dancer lol 07-09-10 16:23:27 __________________________________________________ | |
pillsburydude ::: Favorites THERES MORE THAN ONE OF U??!?!?!?! 07-09-10 16:09:54 __________________________________________________ | |
kelliewannabenumbas ::: Favorites mine 2 07-09-03 17:37:15 __________________________________________________ | |
ixheartxMCRxETFxRJA ::: Favorites wow they r amazing live!!!! 07-08-26 20:50:19 __________________________________________________ | |
deadsamuraix89 ::: Favorites FAGS! 07-08-26 04:49:14 __________________________________________________ | |
haylee1992 ::: Favorites His voice is unique, and he has wicked dance moves. Haha. I seen them and I plan on seeing them again in November. =D 07-08-24 02:43:00 __________________________________________________ | |
doogie517 ::: Favorites ha i stand corrected... i wached it again yes there is sweeping and it is nice 07-08-19 14:54:02 __________________________________________________ |
Reverse-Tribute to CalmFilms
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Duration: 02:56 minutes Upload Time: 07-07-13 22:11:42 User: 999SHAWN :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: This is like a warm up because its my first time using my new camcorder and software |
Comments | |
shiryu22 ::: Favorites haha, i was watching this and expecting it to be a bit boring. i was wrong - good subject matter to shoot. and yeah dude, i remember you :D 07-09-02 03:50:45 __________________________________________________ | |
MNZ2007 ::: Favorites frog leap is the best. I like your pool :) what the new software called by the way? 07-08-16 10:28:29 __________________________________________________ | |
AndrewBiggs4 ::: Favorites what program did u use to reverse it? 07-08-15 16:42:01 __________________________________________________ | |
Jenny5671 ::: Favorites OMG that was like the best video that I ever seen. How did you do that? Well I know it has to do with something on the computer. Well whatevers. Buy!!!!!!!! :) :) :) 07-07-26 20:28:54 __________________________________________________ | |
drawing2 ::: Favorites cool 07-07-22 22:55:48 __________________________________________________ | |
Symbioteofadiety ::: Favorites wow that's random. And the quality of the video is very good. 07-07-21 11:04:38 __________________________________________________ | |
CalmBra ::: Favorites what kind of camera did you get? 07-07-20 11:36:28 __________________________________________________ | |
filofarnsworth1 ::: Favorites Nice! especially since you're learning the equipment!Keep it up! 07-07-18 17:20:32 __________________________________________________ | |
BlueKatBoneYard ::: Favorites That was pretty cool. I liked it. 07-07-18 02:51:29 __________________________________________________ | |
iseehaters ::: Favorites very kool 07-07-17 19:35:53 __________________________________________________ |
The Prodigy - Spitfire
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Duration: 03:23 minutes Upload Time: 06-04-14 17:04:34 User: alebernis :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Video Clip de "Spitfire" del Album "Always Outnumbered, Never Outgunned", uno de los mejores discos de The Prodigy. Dirigido por Tim Qualtrough. |
Comments | |
cptnight9001 ::: Favorites love the begining, love the end, LOVE THIS SONG. 07-09-23 14:56:55 __________________________________________________ | |
ketaminax ::: Favorites joder pedazo de tema, no me canso de escuxarlo, aunke no hace sombra a los anteriores (el del cangrejito) jiji 07-09-22 11:48:46 __________________________________________________ | |
masflow80 ::: Favorites amortiguau qe dices?qe musica te gusta a ti? seguro qe regeton o bisbal jjjjjjjjjj,esta gente son la ostia coño VIVAN LOS PRODIGY JODER,a la mierda los ignorantes 07-09-17 06:41:57 __________________________________________________ | |
deekline23 ::: Favorites xaval tu no entiendes de naaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 07-09-17 00:46:09 __________________________________________________ | |
CatwomanKC ::: Favorites this would be awesome to do karate too... 07-09-16 20:21:58 __________________________________________________ | |
amortiguau ::: Favorites asco de grupo y de musica... 07-09-16 10:57:05 __________________________________________________ | |
myeyestheysparkle ::: Favorites HAHA same. 07-09-14 21:17:20 __________________________________________________ | |
betawicupu ::: Favorites the best song of PRODIGY! 07-09-10 20:05:24 __________________________________________________ | |
VendettaNOW ::: Favorites SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sick! 07-09-05 23:21:26 __________________________________________________ | |
blackunderscore ::: Favorites pretty cool yo !, yeap..I like the prodigy for whatever reason. 07-09-04 17:57:18 __________________________________________________ |
Saloma - Selamat Hari Raya (Full Song)
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Duration: 03:38 minutes Upload Time: 07-09-13 01:54:30 User: TrulyUnforgettable :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Saloma - Selamat Hari Raya |
Comments | |
mucukcute ::: Favorites mucuk kat australia..rindu ngan family..isk..isk.. 07-09-26 05:19:57 __________________________________________________ | |
tiuptiup49 ::: Favorites Pak cik Mak cik Abang Adek Kenalaan semua selamat hari raya maaf zahir dan batin kapada saudara se islam yang tak pakai tube ni tolong bagi tau ok..... 07-09-25 22:47:03 __________________________________________________ | |
namharhamas ::: Favorites SELAMAT HARI RAYA untuk semua umat islam sedunia, 07-09-25 21:45:28 __________________________________________________ | |
miradoraasmara ::: Favorites best laa dapat dengar lagu ni. aku kat USA! Terubattt.. 07-09-25 18:48:26 __________________________________________________ | |
tsuhai ::: Favorites ramai orang sangka lagu ini ciptaan P.Ramblee. Actually pencipta yang sebenar ialah Pak Ahmad Jaafar. Dia jugak yang menciptakan lagu Bunga Tanjung nyanyian Sharifah Aini.. selamat hari raya kpd semua.. 07-09-24 10:42:58 __________________________________________________ | |
sol2funk ::: Favorites selamat aidilfitri kpada semua umat islam yang puasa penuh yer...hehe..raya manyak syoklah..woohoo 07-09-23 22:42:40 __________________________________________________ | |
jaalanuns ::: Favorites selamat aidilfitri kepada saudara serta saudari selamat saya ucapkan untuk kita sampai tahun depan 07-09-23 03:33:40 __________________________________________________ | |
zanurin ::: Favorites dengo lagu raye ni x sabo2 nk raye lak rasenyer. selamat ari raye aidilfitri tuk smua umat islam di seluruh dunia, terutama skali yg berada dmalaysia.... 07-09-23 02:17:11 __________________________________________________ | |
musa3344 ::: Favorites selamat meyambut hari raya aidilfitri pd semua rakan taulan yg mgenali saya... 07-09-22 22:11:57 __________________________________________________ | |
palongboyz01 ::: Favorites yaaa btooll tuuu sokong 1000% lagu raye baru sumenye merepek jee 07-09-22 13:11:23 __________________________________________________ |
Celebs without Makeup
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Duration: 02:00 minutes Upload Time: 07-06-15 07:43:36 User: fhcarolien :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: pictures of celebs with no makeup on, the last three pictures are Edited |
Comments | |
cryspatus ::: Favorites Thats the whole point of this video. Some people don't know that, look how many people worship celebrities 07-09-25 02:45:19 __________________________________________________ | |
Puppies1011 ::: Favorites yeah the last three pictures are scary 07-09-23 04:43:14 __________________________________________________ | |
whipthegoat ::: Favorites why do people care about celebrities? theyre horrible people 07-09-22 19:38:30 __________________________________________________ | |
lilthamd08 ::: Favorites Some ppl just dont know when to stop hugh? wars start out by simple things like this, racis and because of being discriminating against others.... gosh B, make like your perfect. i bet you wake up looking like dogs! 07-09-22 19:33:38 __________________________________________________ | |
Snixer1294 ::: Favorites yall need to chill yall act like they're supposed to wake up like they just got off the red carpet they are regular people soo just SHUT UP AND CHILL! 07-09-21 17:15:44 __________________________________________________ | |
Pat21ck ::: Favorites dude.. they are regular people with money and fame.. evry one is ugly without make up.. even them so.. 07-09-19 18:51:56 __________________________________________________ | |
rkld2007 ::: Favorites omfg ugly! 07-09-11 15:36:40 __________________________________________________ | |
bgmephisto ::: Favorites selma hayak (spelling) still looked good man... good stuff tho haha 07-09-10 19:59:33 __________________________________________________ | |
fredfred360 ::: Favorites lol michael jackson 07-09-05 17:40:35 __________________________________________________ |
First Few minutes of Pokemon Diamond-played by me
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Duration: 07:20 minutes Upload Time: 06-09-26 16:09:52 User: pwn3d91 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Crappily! Yes people this is Tim_Hortons_D0nuts from IGN if anyone has any doubts :p |
Comments | |
XXXDialgaXXX ::: Favorites nice i like the vid 07-06-16 19:13:18 __________________________________________________ | |
madaxevo ::: Favorites i didnt know pokemon waz wifi enabled and good graphics so mad ill buy it for sutre thnx for da vid keep it up!!!!!! 07-05-04 00:47:10 __________________________________________________ | |
silky10 ::: Favorites why at 5:00? 07-04-13 23:17:02 __________________________________________________ | |
Tdain2002 ::: Favorites LOUD 07-04-10 21:16:05 __________________________________________________ | |
Zoneman1 ::: Favorites i got the japanese version and im getting the english version omg what kind of world is this wen japan and U.S.A are together united in two of the same games different languages!!! 07-04-07 21:10:28 __________________________________________________ | |
MayAshinlove ::: Favorites Yeah 22 at 5:00 07-04-02 20:21:25 __________________________________________________ | |
erc4u387 ::: Favorites actually the 22 07-04-02 17:13:00 __________________________________________________ | |
NancySeebol ::: Favorites lucky.... It comes out on the 23, 3 weeks from now. 07-04-02 16:20:34 __________________________________________________ | |
Vidman313 ::: Favorites man, u want our ears to explode?! *_* 07-03-25 10:58:27 __________________________________________________ | |
AnimeTwinsSS18 ::: Favorites Keep trying, yeah you're playing the girl!! 07-03-17 17:55:38 __________________________________________________ |
Doggy style
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Duration: 00:16 minutes Upload Time: 06-07-01 20:01:29 User: viridae :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Dog humps girls leg - hilarious reaction. |
Comments | |
Tercavaga ::: Favorites lol she's so cute!! jaja 07-09-24 01:12:47 __________________________________________________ | |
1cix ::: Favorites -->>>> Visit here for more - skjyblog . c o m 07-09-23 16:23:15 __________________________________________________ | |
Deadgoat ::: Favorites Explain that one mommy and daddy XD 07-09-13 20:18:13 __________________________________________________ | |
FLAMESHEDGE ::: Favorites LMAO 07-08-22 01:04:34 __________________________________________________ | |
Badenpower7 ::: Favorites Superb. A girl confronted with the reality of sexuality for the first time by her pet! Uggggh 07-08-19 16:57:55 __________________________________________________ | |
imsosikk666 ::: Favorites Lmfao! 07-08-16 04:29:48 __________________________________________________ | |
Cadegoestocollege ::: Favorites that's hilarious!! 07-08-16 02:12:45 __________________________________________________ | |
mike8888tsuki ::: Favorites good LOL 07-08-14 21:19:03 __________________________________________________ | |
sarettehotdollzd ::: Favorites check out CAMAZONDATING dot COM for hot adult dating webcams 07-08-03 14:30:03 __________________________________________________ | |
emeighty19 ::: Favorites lol 07-07-31 20:57:36 __________________________________________________ |