Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Largets Bad Beat Jackpot ever hit online at $861,000

Duration: 02:41 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-28 14:41:35

On Absolute Poker KADI hit the world's largest online texas hold'em bad beat jackpot. At over $861,000 a new record was set.


incidentalist  2008-04-08 12:14:35

that was not a royal flush donkeys
d0tty11  2008-04-06 13:51:35

Wait, so the loser got more money? "So now you have just 70% left. The loser gets 50% of that amount , and the winner 20% , the other 30& is shared by the other players." I'm confused?
brdhas  2008-04-02 05:18:03

thats probably happens 1 every 5 billion hands
maxster144  2008-03-31 19:19:34

10% is a fee, and 20% is used as seed for the next jackpot. So now you have just 70% left. The loser gets 50% of that amount , and the winner 20% , the other 30& is shared by the other players. So in this case , the winner got like 180k , and the loser about 250k.
salviawreckhead  2008-03-29 08:01:49

the jackpots shared between the table players or is it winner takes all

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