Monday, April 7, 2008

Deck Builders: Episode 14: 2008 Exteneded PTQ Coverage

Duration: 10:41 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-26 15:23:07

**IMPORTANT** I dont know why the audio is jank. I tried to upload several versions. this is the best one. I really am sorry. It works fine here on my computer so i dont understand why it doesnt on youtube. Welcome to another episode of Deck Builders. Today is purely a coverage video of our 2008 extended ptq. Intro music by Dirty Vegas. Main music no idea . found it at school.


carthwolf  2008-03-27 15:09:25

I had to go back and amplify the sound of the voices so that you could here it. i dont know why it was so bad. it sounds perfect on my computer.
severyn1982  2008-03-27 13:31:22

sounds like distortion thru mic perhaps. oh wells. luv ya as always carthwolf
carthwolf  2008-03-27 03:24:53

I should say that I dropped because I didnt have much of a chance with my matchups to have a top 8 and i wanted to focus on filming. its to hard to do both. I played Dredge.
carthwolf  2008-03-26 21:43:26

Idaho takes forever to post for some reason. States took two months after to finally post.
doomtomb3  2008-03-26 21:34:54

The only weird thing about this is that on the magicthegathering website, Boise, Idaho does not have the decklists posted. Also, if you attended this, what deck did you play and how did you do?

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